Pleade is a powerful search engine
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Pleade is a free and open source software solution for archives, libraries and museums. For more than 15 years, Pleade permits the valorization of heritage data in a very simple workflow: ingest, diffuse and dissemine
Pleade is a solution in constant evolution. Learn more :
Created by AJLSM and the "Direction des Archives de France" in 2001, Pleade is a publishing and diffusion tool integrating a powerful search engine and an OAI-PMH harvestor for XML documents (XML EAD and EAC-CPF, METS and ALTO, UNIMARC, XML Nomina, TEI, Dublin Core and Dublin Core Qualified, BiblioML, XML MODS, ...).
With several years of development, Pleade offers the most complete search engine in the archival market. It is thus optimized for the research, consultation and valorization of data derived from the EAD-EAC standards.
The METS/ALTO module of Pleade proposes the valorization of data from printed documents, old press, digitized periodicals, etc. It also offers an image viewer with full-text search through OCR technology.
Pleade offers a complete module for data valorization in UNIMARC, XMLMarc, MODS and ONIX formats. Among other things, it gives the possibility of completing the records from reference web services (Amazon, BNF, ...)
Pleade is complete and optimized for federated search in heterogeneous formats. It means, the research and the valorization of all formats are in parallel.
Pleade offers several HTML5 image viewers as well as a double page reader adapted to different formats and protocols (JPEG, Cadastre, Pyramid TIFF, IIIF, ...).
The Pleade OAI-PMH harvester module offers a complete interface and workflow to retrieve and publish records from several partner portals..
Pleade Portail is an open source software package that includes a set of functionalities and modules developed around the free version: facet module, METS - ALTO module, OAI module (OAI warehouse generator, SETS and harvester), module for DublinCore format, TEI format, adding annotation, and so on.
These capabilities and modules enable you to extend Pleade infinitely from very specific needs, such as the distribution of very large collections of digital documents, or the setting up of a documentary portal requiring Load multiple formats in addition to the EAD.
Pleade has a module for publication, dissemination and search in the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) generated in METS/ALTO. This module makes it possible to carry out "full text" searches in documents of digitized printed type (old press, periodical, ...). The results are presented in a new dedicated viewer and they are highlighted directly on the scanned image.
In the case of periodicals, the solution is able to group them by collections and make them accesible according to a presentation of calendar type. This module is currently being used in its full version by the digital library of Orléans (150,000 pages of searchable journals!)
The OAI-PMH protocol allows harvesting of data from partner web services. These data can then be processed and used as a normal documentary corpus on the local portal. Pleade proposes a complete OAI module allowing harvesting in parallel of several partner portals. On the other hand, Pleade is able to expose his own data so that they can be harvested.
The harvester module and the warehouse module allow the setting up of a real customized warehouse. Indeed, on one side the harvester gives the possibility to populate its documentary database with data coming from other portals. On the other hand, the warehouse allows to expose its documentary base so that it can be harvested by other portals.
In its full version, Pleade also offers the following features :
Choosing Pleade means choosing a community of helpers from thousands of professionals in France and around the world.
Facet filters make it possible to quickly obtain relevant research results. They greatly enhance the experience when searching. Notably, for a non-scientific audience. In version 4, Pleade proposes a "facets" system, highly configurable and very easy to use. For example, faceted filters are currently used on the site of the departmental archives of the Atlantic Pyrenees .
Pleade proposes a reading light with foliotage for digitized documents to be flipped. An example of this reader is visible for the manuscripts of Citeaux on the website of the municipal library of Dijon.
Pleade Portail proposes the publication and distribution of nominative corpus as military registries based or not on Nomina format (AJLSM created the format nomina for "la direction des Archives de France" in 2004). Example of use: Archives of Guadeloupe.
Pleade allows a parallel federated search between any types of XML corpus. An example of this federated search is visible on The Orléans Digital Library with seven different documentary corpuses.
Pleade automatically provides sharing buttons on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus. In addition Pleade, offers RSS feeds to follow the evolution of the documentary database. Example of implementation on the site of the Salamandre - Collège de France project.
Pleade offers an index mapping module to automatically solve geographic data. The interface then makes it possible to make a search via points on a plane; or displaying search results in a map context. Here is an example used on the website of the project "mission Basse Bretagne".
Pleade's OAI-PMH warehouse allows the automatic sharing of its own data in several formats (DC, QDC, Gallica, ...). The corresponding module also allows the creation of dynamic or static SETs from a record basket or from a search result. OAI warehouse example.
Pleade has been following responsive design standards since version 3.59.